From: Subject: William Miller Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2006 11:47:37 +1000 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2962 William Miller

William Miller

(this Foreword = written=20 January, 2001 by Daniel Winters;
        Rather=20 than a book written as such, this work is a collection of lectures and = letters=20 written by Mr. Miller, and put into book form by Mr. Himes. It's hard to = believe=20 today in 2001, that nearly all "Christians" in the early 1800s were = dead-set=20 against the idea that Jesus would literally come back to this earth and = reward=20 the faithful and punish the wicked. A man led of God, Mr. Miller, fought = against=20 3 major errors among "Christians" of his day - (from Letter V.) = [
the unscriptural doctrine of "peace and = safety," the=20 "spiritual millennium," and "return of the Jews."] The=20 "peace and safety" folks said that the prophecies written in the Bible = were=20 fulfilled a long time ago, or will be far in the future. The "spiritual=20 millennium" crew said that there would be a 1,000 year reign of peace on = the=20 earth before Jesus comes back. And the "return of the Jews" group is one = that is=20 still very vocal today, that the people called "Jews" must get back to = their=20 home-land and then the prophecies would be fulfilled. William Miller = exposes all=20 these as error that keep the child of God from making a close = examination for=20 their own readiness for Jesus' coming=20 back.

          =   This=20 particular book was scanned from a photo-copy of the original, and i = neither=20 added nor deleted anything to this work other than this Foreword. = Spellings were=20 left as found - so for example the word "graft" is spelled "graff" 3 = times and=20 "graft" 5 times. I spent around 100 hours scanning and proofreading and = tried to=20 make this format for the computer look as much like the original as = possible,=20 but if I made any errors, someone please let me know. The notes (*), = were=20 originally placed at the bottom of the page, but with no pages here, i = put them=20 in parentheses immediately following where they are referenced. When = there were=20 two notes on one page, the second note was denoted by a symbol which = looks like=20 maybe a sword or a cross. As the sword symbol is not available in the = Times New=20 Roman font, i chose the cross symbol.=20

        For this HTML = format, i=20 split the book into 4 physical pages for easier loading. All sections = can be=20 accessed easily from the CONTENTS section further down on the page you = are on=20 now.

        A few notes = on this=20 book: Roman numbers are used for Bible and book chapter numbers. A short = refresher course:
i =3D 1 vi =3D 6 xv =3D 15 l =3D 50
ii =3D 2 vii =3D 7 xix =3D 19 lx =3D 60
iii =3D 3 viii =3D 8 xx =3D 20 xc =3D 90
iv =3D 4 ix =3D 9 xxx =3D 30 c =3D 100
v =3D 5 x =3D 10 xl =3D 40 ci =3D 101
and "&c." = (etc.).=20

        Yes, having = greater=20 light now in 2001, we may smile at some of his interpretations - but in = looking=20 at the overall effect of his message, and seeing how God led him in the = whole=20 (read chapter 22 = of the 1858=20 Great Controversy titled "William Miller") we should be even more = thankful=20 to God for leading his people in a mighty way, out into the truth=20 (^-^).






















      &nb= sp;      BY=20 THE EDITOR.


      &nbs= p; WE=20 hold the doctrine of a man's responsibility for the sentiments which he=20 publishes, whether they are his own or another's. He is accountable to = the=20 community, and will be held accountable at the great tribunal, for the = good or=20 the evil they produce. We have had this thought in view in all that we = have done=20 to give publicity to Mr. Miller's writings; both in the publication of = the=20 Boston edition of his Lectures, and of the numerous Essays and Letters = from his=20 pen which have appeared in the "Signs of the Times" during the past=20 year.

        Notwithstand= ing the=20 fears of many, esteemed wise and good, that the effect of this class of = writings=20 upon the community would be deleterious; we have, on the contrary, = witnessed, as=20 we expected, the most happy results. Their moral and religious influence = upon=20 all classes who have given them a candid examination has been most=20 salutary.

        We are = now=20 induced to add a second volume on similar subjects, with a short memoir = of Mr.=20 Miller's life. We send it forth with the fullest assurance of its = usefulness to=20 the church and the world. It will be a valuable aid to an understanding = of the=20 chronology of his Lectures; as also the dictionary of prophetic = figures,=20 and principles of interpretation, will be of great service to = the=20 biblical = student.

        As it=20 respects the general views of Mr. Miller, we consider them in the main = to be in=20 accordance with the word of God. We do not, however, adopt the = peculiarities of=20 any man. We call no man master. Yet we frankly avow that there is much = in his=20 theory that we approve and embrace as gospel truth. For example: His = views of=20 the literal interpretation of the prophecies - The character and = divinity of=20 Christ, and his personal reign on the earth - The restoration of Israel=20 according to the faith of Abraham, with the rejection of the "judaizing = notion"=20 of the return of the carnal Jew to Palestine - The true millennium of = the saints=20 in the resurrection state; and the utter rejection of the modern = notion=20 of a temporal millennium - The first and second resurrections and = judgments=20 - The final destiny of the righteous and the wicked: on all these points = we=20 fully agree with = him.

        On=20 the question of "prophetic periods," and of his laborious and = learned=20 chronology, we are not competent, with our limited erudition on the = subject, to=20 decide with such positiveness as on the other topics; having never given = our=20 attention to the critical study of the subject till within the last = year. We,=20 however, believe in the definiteness of prophetic periods, and = feel=20 satisfied that we live near the end of time. We have come to this = conclusion by=20 the prophetic times of Daniel and John, and not from the fact = only=20 that the kingdom has always been at hand. These = "times," (to=20 which we might refer, if it were proper in this place,) are nearly = accomplished,=20 as all who believe in prophetic periods agree. Some have fixed upon the = year=20 1866, some 1847, while Mr. Miller fixes upon 1843 as the "time of the = end." We=20 think he has given the more satisfactory demonstration of the = correctness of=20 his calculation. The advent is near. It is possible that = we may be=20 mistaken in the chronology. It may vary a few years, but we are = persuaded that=20 the end cannot be far=20 distant.

        With = these=20 views, we proclaim continually the gospel of the kingdom at hand. And = not being=20 able with the voice alone, and our limited abilities, to give the = "midnight cry"=20 the extent which we think the subject demands, we have availed ourself = of the=20 aid of the press. Accordingly, Mr. Miller's Lectures were put into the = hands of=20 a popular bookseller, who has in the last year circulated five thousand = copies.=20 In the mean time, fifty thousand numbers of the "Signs of the Times" = have been=20 sent abroad in the United States and in Europe; and two thousand copies = of the=20 full Report of the General Conference on the Second Advent have = just been=20 issued from the press, for distribution. We now send out this volume to = bear the=20 same message, and arouse a slumbering world to=20 duty.

        Some = repetitions=20 may be noticed in this work, in consequence of many of the articles = having been=20 written at different times, without reference to publication in a = connected=20 series. But these the reader will find of advantage, on the whole, as = they will=20 present the subjects in various and new=20 aspects.

        The work = claims=20 nothing of literary merit. It is given in a plain English dress, that = will=20 present to the reader the various subjects discussed in a distinct and=20 intelligible = style.

        We=20 are not insensible of the fact, that much obloquy will be cast upon us = in=20 consequence of our association with the author of this work. This, = however,=20 gives us no pain. We had rather be associated with such a man as = William=20 Miller, and stand with him in gloom or glory, in the cause of the = living=20 God, than to be associated with his enemies, and enjoy all the honors of = this=20 world.

        Finally, = whatever=20 may be the truth upon the subject treated in this volume, it is = certainly one=20 that commends itself to the serious and careful examination of = all=20 persons, whether saints or sinners. If, indeed, the grand drama of this = world's=20 wickedness and wrongs is about to close up - if, indeed, the Son of God = is about=20 to descend from heaven, to take vengeance on them who obey not the = gospel, and=20 to receive his saints to their final rest, - then how important is it = that we=20 should all know these facts - the wicked to tremble if they will not = repent, and=20 the righteous to wait with calm faith, and a certain hope of the = coming=20 of the Lord. Do not dream that all is well because you see no = threatening=20 signs of the great day. Did the inhabitants of the old world stand in = fear of=20 the flood? Yet the flood came and "took them all away." All great = calamities=20 which come upon the nations by special interposition of divine = Providence have=20 been sudden, and, by the mass, unexpected.


I. Memoir=20 of William Miller 7
II. Mr.=20 Miller's Influence upon the People 15
III. Rules=20 of Scriptural Interpretation 20
IV. Explanation=20 of Prophetic Figures 25
V. Synopsis=20 of Mr. Miller's Religious Views 32
VI. A=20 Bible Chronology from Adam to Christ 36
VII. A=20 Dissertation on Prophetic Chronology 40


I. An=20 Address to the Believers in the Second Advent near, 54
II. Lecture=20 on the Battle of Gog-Ezek. xxxix. 1-11 67
III. Lecture=20 on the Two Sticks-Ezek. xxxvii. 15-17 85
IV. Lecture=20 on the Times and its Duties-Rom. xiii. 12 101
V. Lecture=20 on What is Truth-John xviii. 38 111
VI. Lecture=20 on the Visions of Ezekiel-Ezek. xii. 27 118
VII. Lecture=20 on the Harvest of the World-Rev. xiv. 16 132
VIII. Lecture=20 on the Final Judgment-Acts xvii. 31 145
IX. Lecture=20 on the Great Sabbath-Ezek. xx. 12 157


I. A=20 Review of Ethan Smith's and David Cambell's Exposition of the = "Little=20 Horn" and Return of the Jews-Dan.viii. 9 172
II. Brief=20 Review of Dowling's Reply to Miller, No. I. 182
III. Review=20 of Dowling, No. II. 187
IV. Brief=20 Review of S. Cobb's Lectures on the "Miller Mania" 192
V. Review=20 of "A Bible Reader" on the Two Witnesses, Rev. xi. 8 199
VI. Remarkable=20 Fulfilment of Prophecy relating to France and the "Two Witnesses." = Quotations from eminent Expositors of Prophecy, with Remarks by = Mr.=20 Miller 203

I. On=20 the Second Advent 212
II. On=20 the Return of the Jews 225
III. To=20 Mr. Cambell, on the Little Horn, Evening and Morning Vision, Jews' = Return,=20 Millennium before the Resurrection 232
IV. Closing=20 of the Door of Mercy-Millennium - The Chronology 236
V. Mr.=20 Miller recovering - Disappointment in being deprived of meeting = the=20 Conference - His Resignation, &c., 241

I. Extract=20 from Ferguson's Astronomy 244
II. Extract=20 from the "Present Crisis" 249
III. Views=20 of the closing of the Door of Mercy 251



      &n= bsp; WILLIAM=20 MILLER was born at Pittsfield, Mass., Feb. 15, 1782. When he was = four=20 years of age, his father removed to the town of Hampton, Washington = County, New=20 York, the present residence of Mr. Miller. The country was then new, and = his=20 means of education, till nine years of age, were very small. His mother, = however, taught him to read, so that when he was sent to the common = school, he=20 could read in the Bible, Psalter, and an old Hymn Book, which at that = time=20 constituted the whole of his father's library. After his ninth year, he = was sent=20 to school three months in the year, till he was fourteen. During this = time, he=20 was noted by his companions as a prodigy for learning, as they called = it,=20 particularly in the branches of spelling, reading, and writing. At the = age of=20 fourteen, he became anxious to obtain books to read. The first history = he=20 obtained was Robinson Crusoe; and the first novel he ever saw was = Robert Boyle. He read them with avidity, and being so much = interested in=20 them, he read them many times over. He then became still more anxious to = obtain=20 books, especially histories and journals of travellers. A number of = gentlemen in=20 the vicinity of his father's residence, on being made acquainted with = his love=20 of reading, kindly offered him the privilege of their private libraries, = which=20 he accepted with much gratitude. From this time till he was twenty-one = years of=20 age, he was a most devoted student of ancient and modern history. The = names of=20 his benefactors ought to be given in this place, as they deserve to be = honored=20 for their liberality and love of learning. One of them was the Hon. = Matthew=20 Lyon, Representative to Congress from Vermont, from 1794 to 1798. = The others=20 were Judge James Withcrell afterwards judge of Michigan = Territory; and=20 Alexander Cruikshanks, Esq., of Whitehall, formerly of Scotland. = By the=20 kindness of these gentlemen, he was enabled to store his mind with a = vast=20 collection of historical facts, which have since been of so much service = to him=20 in the illustration of the prophecies. Possessing a strong mind and a = retentive=20 memory, he appropriated the contents of those gentlemen's libraries to = his own=20 use; and even now, after a lapse of more than thirty years, it is = astonishing to=20 observe the correctness of his frequent references to these historical = facts and=20 dates in his extemporaneous=20 lectures.

        At the = age of=20 twenty-two, he was married, and settled in Poultney, Vt. Here, he was = still=20 favored with the privilege of pursuing his favorite study; having free = access to=20 a large public library. Here also he became acquainted with the = deistical=20 writings of Voltaire, Hume, Paine, Ethan Allen, and others. He studied = them=20 closely, and at length professedly became a Deist. The principal men in = the=20 village were Deists; but, as a class, they were good citizens, and as a = general=20 thing were moral, and of serious deportment. With these he was = associated about=20 twelve years, in the defence of deistical=20 sentiments.

        In = the last=20 war with Great Britain, he received a captain's commission in the United = States'=20 service, and served in the army until the 25th of June, 1815, after = peace was=20 declared. He then moved to his present residence, Low Hampton, where the = year=20 following, 1816, he was converted from Deism to the christian faith, and = united=20 with the regular Baptist church in that place, of which he is now a = member in=20 good standing.

        We = gather=20 the following facts relating to his past history and experience from his = letters=20 to us on this subject. The following connected account is made out from = them,=20 mostly in his own=20 words:

        "In my = youth,=20 between the years of seven and ten, I was often concerned about the = welfare of=20 my soul; particularly in relation to its future destiny. I spent much = time in=20 trying to invent some plan, whereby I might please God, when brought = into his=20 immediate presence. Two ways suggested themselves to me, which I tried. = One was,=20 to be very good, to do nothing wrong, tell no lies, and obey my parents. = But I=20 found my resolutions were weak, and soon broken. The other was to = sacrifice; by=20 giving up the most cherished objects I possessed. But this also failed = me; so=20 that I was never settled and happy in mind, until I came to Jesus = Christ. While=20 I was a Deist, I believed in a God, but I could not, as I thought, = believe the=20 Bible was the word of God. The many contradictions, and=20 inconsistencies, which I thought could be shown, made me suppose it to = be a work=20 of designing men, whose object was to enslave the mind of man; operate = on their=20 hopes and fears, with a view to aggrandize themselves. The history of = religion=20 as it had been presented to the world, and particularly by the = historians of the=20 eighteenth century, was but a history of blood, tyranny, and oppression; = in=20 which the common people were the greatest sufferers. I viewed it as a = system of=20 craft, rather than of truth. Besides, the advocates of=20 Christianity admitted that the Bible was so dark and intricate that no = man could=20 understand it. This always was to me an inconsistent idea of God; and = even made=20 the Bible appear more like the oracles of the heathen gods, than like = the wisdom=20 of the just and righteous God: To give us the Scriptures to teach us the = way of=20 eternal life, and at the same time clothe them in a mantle of mysticism, = so that=20 no man could understand them! Reveal his will, which we cannot = understand, and=20 then punish us for disobedience! How can such a being be called either = wise or=20 good? These, and the like, were my arguments against the Bible. In the = mean=20 time, I continued my studies, storing my mind with historical knowledge. = The=20 more I read, the more dreadfully corrupt did the character of man = appear. I=20 could discern no bright spot in the history of the past. Those = conquerors of the=20 world, and heroes of history, were apparently but demons in human form. = All the=20 sorrow, suffering, and misery in the world, seemed to be increased in = proportion=20 to the power they obtained over their fellows. I began to feel very = distrustful=20 of all men. In this state of mind I entered the service of my country. I = fondly=20 cherished the idea, that I should find one bright spot at least in the = human=20 character, as a star of hope: a love of country - = PATRIOTISM.=20 But two years in the service was enough to convince me that I was = in an=20 error in this thing also. When I left the service I had become = completely=20 disgusted with man's public character. I retired from the busy scenes of = public=20 life, in which I had been engaged about ten years; and thought to seek = for that=20 happiness, which had always eluded my pursuit in my former occupations, = in the=20 domestic circle. For a little space, a care and burden was taken off = from my=20 mind; but after a while I felt the need of some more active employment. = My life=20 became too monotonous. I had lost all those pleasing prospects, which in = youth I=20 expected to enjoy in riper years. It appeared to me that there was = nothing good=20 on earth. Those things in which I expected to find some solid good had = deceived=20 me. I began to think man was no more than a brute, and the idea of = here-after=20 was a dream; annihilation was a cold and chilling thought; and = accountability=20 was sure destruction to all. The heavens were as brass over my head, and = the=20 earth as iron under my feet. ETERNITY! What was it? And = death,=20 why was it? The more I reasoned, the further I was from = demonstration. The=20 more I thought, the more scattered were my conclusions. I tried to stop=20 thinking; but my thoughts would not be controlled. I was truly wretched; = but did=20 not understand the cause. I murmured and complained, but knew not = of=20 whom. I felt that there was a wrong, but knew not how, or where, to find = the=20 right. I mourned, but without hope. I continued in this state of mind = for some=20 months; at length, when brought almost to despair, God by his Holy = Spirit opened=20 my eyes. I saw Jesus as a friend, and my only help, and the word of God = as the=20 perfect rule of duty. Jesus Christ became to me the chiefest = among ten=20 thousand, and the Scriptures, which before were dark and contradictory, = now=20 became the lamp to my feet and light to my path. My mind became settled = and=20 satisfied. I found the Lord God to be a Rock in the midst of the ocean = of life.=20 The Bible now became my chief study; and I can truly say I searched it = with=20 great delight. I found the half was never told me. I wondered why I had = not seen=20 its beauty and glory before, and marvelled that I could ever have = rejected it. I=20 found everything revealed that my heart could desire, and a remedy for = every=20 disease of the soul. I lost all taste for other reading, and applied my = heart to=20 get wisdom from = God.

        "I=20 laid by all commentaries, former views and prepossessions, and = determined to=20 read and try to understand for myself. I then began the reading of the = Bible in=20 a methodical manner; and by comparing scripture with scripture, and = taking=20 notice of the manner of prophesying, and how it was fulfilled, (so much = as had=20 received its accomplishment,) I found that prophecy had been literally=20 fulfilled, after understanding the figures and metaphors by which God = had more=20 clearly illustrated the subjects conveyed in said prophecies. I found, = on a=20 close and careful examination of the Scriptures, that God had explained = all the=20 figures and metaphors in the Bible, or had given us rules for their = explanation.=20 And in so doing, I found, to my joy, and as I trust with everlasting = gratitude=20 to God, that the Bible contained a system of revealed truths, so clearly = and=20 simply given that the 'wayfaring man though a fool need not err = therein.' And I=20 discovered that God had in his word revealed 'times and seasons;' = and in=20 every case where time had been revealed, every event was accomplished as = predicted, (except the case of Nineveh, in Jonah,) in the time and = manner;=20 therefore I believed all would be=20 accomplished.

        "I = found,=20 in going through with the Bible, the end of all things was clearly and=20 emphatically predicted, both as to time and manner. I believed; and = immediately=20 the duty to publish this doctrine, that the world might believe and get = ready to=20 meet the Judge and Bridegroom at his coming, was impressed upon my mind. = I need=20 not here go into a detailed account of my long and sore trials. Suffice = it to=20 say, that after a number of years, I was compelled by the Spirit of God, = the=20 power of truth and the love of souls, to take up my cross and proclaim = these=20 things to a dying and perishing=20 world.

        "The first = time I=20 ever spake in public on this subject was in the year 1832. The Lord = poured his=20 grace on the congregation, and many believed to the salvation of their = souls.=20 From that day to this, doors have been opened to me, to proclaim this = doctrine=20 of the second coming of Christ, among almost all denominations, so that = I have=20 not been able to comply with but a small portion of the=20 calls.

        "I have = lectured=20 in the states of New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, = Michigan, Ohio=20 and Pennsylvania, and Canada. In every place, I think, two good effects = have=20 been produced. The church has been awakened, and the Bible has been read = with=20 more interest. In many, and I might say almost in every place, a revival = of=20 religion has followed, which has lasted for months. Infidelity in many = cases has=20 been made to yield her iron grasp on the mind of many an individual. = Deism has=20 yielded to the truth of God's word, and many men of strong minds have=20 acknowledged that the Scriptures must be of divine origin. The sandy = foundation=20 of Universalism, has been shaken in every place where it could be = reached by an=20 attendance on the whole course of lectures. And hundreds of men of sound = minds=20 and strong powers, have had their spider's web broken, and have got a = more sure=20 hope in an experimental knowledge of the justice of God, and the = forgiveness of=20 sin, through the blood and sacrifice of Jesus=20 Christ.

        "As proof = of the=20 truth of the above facts, I would refer you to the many false reports = which=20 Universalists and Infidels have industriously circulated in their = periodicals=20 and papers, concerning me and my views: the 'hundred years' mistake,' = the=20 'refusal to sell my farm,' and the 'rail fence,' &c. &c. Stories = too=20 foolish for children to credit are promulgated as facts, sufficient to = destroy=20 the truth which is fairly proved by the word of God and history of ages = past.=20 Why use such false and weak arguments? Because the goddess Diana is in = danger.=20 It is evidence strong as holy writ, that when men use weak arguments and = false=20 productions, their cause is weak, and their foundation is=20 trembling.

        "Furthe= rmore.=20 I have been fully convinced, that the effects of the promulgation of = this=20 doctrine on those who candidly hear, produce no little examination of = the=20 evidence of their hopes, founded upon the word of inspiration. The = traditions of=20 men too are brought before the public and tried by the unerring rule of = God's=20 word: such as a 'temporal millennium,' the 'Jews' return.' = In one=20 word, in a moral point of view, every effect is good; and if ever there = is a=20 'midnight cry' made, the effect must be similar to the one now = produced,=20 or it cannot have a scriptural fulfilment. 'Then all those virgins arose = and=20 trimmed their lamps.' If this doctrine does not make men search the = Scriptures,=20 (lamp,) I cannot conceive what would. One more effect I will mention. In = every=20 place where I have been, the most pious, devoted, and living members of = the=20 churches do most readily embrace the views thus proclaimed; while the = worldling=20 professor, the pharisee, the bigot, the proud, haughty, and selfish, = scoff at=20 and ridicule the doctrine of the Second Coming of=20 Christ.

        "And if = ever=20 God's word, in his second Epistle of Peter, can be fulfilled, surely it = is so=20 now: 'Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days = scoffers,=20 walking after their own lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of his = coming?=20 for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from = the=20 creation.' Every word of this sign is literally fulfilled. In every = place where=20 I have been, the Infidel, the Universalist, and many who would be called = teachers in our several sects of limitarians, before they are convicted, = can all=20 meet on the broad ground of scoffing, ridicule, and falsehood, to put = down the=20 doctrine which they are not prepared to meet; and even meet the = Universalists on=20 the ground that the judgment day was past at Jerusalem, rather than = believe this=20 thrilling doctrine of immediate accountability. McKnight thinks these = scoffers=20 will be in the church; how true is it so fulfilled. I have often blushed = to see=20 the hardihood of our priests who take the ground of 'my Lord delayeth = his=20 coming,' and publicly advocate the doctrine that it is a long while yet = to come.=20 'And shall begin to smite his fellow-servants.' Hear them, calling all = manner of=20 names, 'false prophet,' 'visionary fanatic,' 'crazy old man,' &c. = 'And to=20 eat and drink with the drunken.' Join any other doctrine, however = repugnant to=20 their creeds, rather than consent to this. 'Pilate and Herod can make = friends'=20 against this doctrine of the coming of=20 Christ.

        "In = conclusion,=20 although I have received scoffs from the worldly and profane, ridicule = from the=20 proud and haughty, contempt from the bigot and pharisee, and insult from = the=20 pulpit and press; yet I have one great consolation: God has never = forsaken me,=20 and their weapons have fallen harmless at my feet. Thousands have been = brought=20 to read their Bibles with more pleasure; hundreds have found faith in = that word=20 they once despised; false theories have been made to pass through a = fiery=20 ordeal; and undisputed errors have been searched out and exposed, and = the 'word=20 of God has mightily grown and multiplied.'"


      &n= bsp; MUCH=20 has been said in the pulpit, and by the editors of public journals, = about the=20 evil tendency of Mr. Miller's lectures. An orthodox clergyman of = Lynn,=20 (Rev. Parsons Cook,) thinks they are more demoralizing than the = theatre!=20 A minister in Boston, of high standing, stated to one of his = hearers, that=20 he thought it as great a sin for church members to attend these = lectures,=20 as to visit the theatre! Indeed, most of the ministers and laity of = different=20 denominations, who have not heard Mr. Miller, have judged unfavorably of = his=20 labors. It is supposed that the people are frightened - excited = by=20 terrific scenes connected with the conflagration of the world. To place = this=20 matter in its true light, we shall give, as a general illustration of = Mr. Miller=20 as a speaker, and the influence of his labors on the community at large, = the=20 following account of his visit and labors in Portland, Me., in March=20 last.

        "MR. MILLER = IN=20 PORTLAND. Mr. Miller has been in Portland, lecturing to crowded = congregations in=20 Casco-street church, on his favorite theme, the end of the world, or = literal=20 reign of Christ for 1000 years. As faithful chroniclers of passing = events, it=20 will be expected of us that we say something of the man, and his = peculiar=20 views.

        "Mr. = Miller is=20 about sixty years of age; a plain farmer from Hampton, in the state of = New York.=20 He is a member of the Baptist church in that place, from which he brings = satisfactory testimonials of good standing, and a license to improve = publicly.=20 He has, we understand, numerous testimonials also from clergymen of = different=20 denominations favorable to his general character. We should think him a = man of=20 but common-school education; evidently possessing strong powers of mind, = which=20 for about fourteen years have been almost exclusively bent to the = investigation=20 of scripture prophecies. The last eight years of his life have been = devoted to=20 lecturing on this favorite=20 subject.

        "In his = public=20 discourses he is self-possessed and ready; distinct in his utterance, = and=20 frequently quaint in his expressions. He succeeds in chaining the = attention of=20 his auditory for an hour and a half to two hours; and in the management = of his=20 subject discovers much tact, holding frequent colloquies with the = objector and=20 inquirer, supplying the questions and answers himself in a very natural = manner;=20 and although grave himself, sometimes producing a smile from a portion = of his=20 auditors.

        "Mr. = Miller is=20 a great stickler for literal interpretations; never admitting the = figurative,=20 unless absolutely required to make correct sense or meet the event which = is=20 intended to be pointed out. He doubtless believes, most unwaveringly, = all he=20 teaches to others. His lectures are interspersed with powerful = admonitions to=20 the wicked, and he handles Universalism with gloves of=20 steel.

        "He is = evidently=20 disposed to make but little allowance for those who think differently = from him=20 on the millennium; dealing often in terrible denunciations against such = as=20 oppose his peculiar views on this point; as he fully believes they are = crying=20 peace and safety when sudden destruction cometh. Judging from what we = see and=20 hear, we should think his lectures are making a decided impression on = many=20 minds, favorable to his=20 theory."

        This = account of=20 Mr. Miller is from the Rev. Mr. Springer, of the Methodist Episcopal = Church, and=20 editor of the "Maine Wesleyan Journal," from which we copy it. Mr. = Miller, on=20 reading the account, exclaimed, "I have found one honest editor!" = Mr.=20 Springer, it will be observed, is not a partisan of Mr. Miller. We = commend him=20 for his = candor.

        The=20 following extracts of letters from Elder Fleming, the pastor of the = Christian=20 church in Casco St. where Mr. Miller delivered his lectures, will show = the=20 legitimate effects of his=20 labors.

        Immediatel= y after=20 the lectures were closed, Mr. Fleming writes: "Things here are moving=20 powerfully. Last evening about 200 requested prayers, and the interest = seems=20 constantly increasing. The whole city seems agitated. Br. Miller's = lectures have=20 not the least effect to affright; they are far from it. The great = alarm=20 is among those who did not come near. Many who stayed away and opposed = seem=20 excited, and perhaps alarmed. But those who candidly hear are far from=20 excitement and=20 alarm.

        "The = interest=20 awakened by his lectures is of the most deliberate and dispassionate = kind, and=20 though it is the greatest revival I ever saw, yet there is the least = passionate=20 excitement. It seems to take the greatest hold on the male part = of=20 community. What produces the effect is this - Brother Miller simply = takes the=20 sword of the Spirit, unsheathed and naked, and lays its sharp edge on = the naked=20 heart, and it cuts! that is all. Before the edge of this mighty weapon,=20 infidelity falls, and Universalism withers. False foundations vanish, = and=20 Babel's merchants wonder. It seems to me that this must be a little the = nearest=20 like apostolic revivals of anything modern times have=20 witnessed."

        A = short time=20 after, he wrote again, as follows: "There has probably never been so = much=20 religious interest among the inhabitants of this place generally as at = present;=20 and Mr. Miller must be regarded, directly or indirectly, as the = instrument,=20 although many, no doubt, will deny it; as some are very unwilling to = admit that=20 a good work of God can follow his labors; and yet we have the most = indubitable=20 evidence that this is the work of the Lord. It is worthy of note, that = in the=20 present interest there has been comparatively nothing like mechanical = effort.=20 There has been nothing like passionate excitement. If there has been = excitement,=20 it has been out of doors, among such as did not attend Br. Miller's=20 lectures.

        "At = some of our=20 meetings since Br. Miller left, as many as 250, it has been estimated, = have=20 expressed a desire for religion, by coming forward for prayers; and = probably=20 between one and two hundred have professed conversion at = our=20 meeting; and now the fire is being kindled through this whole city, and = all the=20 adjacent country. A number of rum-sellers have turned their shops into=20 meeting-rooms, and those places that were once devoted to intemperance = and=20 revelry, are now devoted to prayer and praise. Others have abandoned the = traffic=20 entirely, and are become converted to God. One or two gambling = establishments, I=20 am informed, are entirely broken up. Infidels, Deists, Universalists, = and=20 the most abandoned profligates, have been converted; some who had = not=20 been to the house of worship for years. Prayer-meetings have been = established in=20 every part of the city by the different denominations, or by = individuals, and at=20 almost every hour. Being down in the business part of our city, I was = conducted=20 into a room over one of the banks, where I found about thirty or forty = men, of=20 different denominations, engaged with one accord in prayer, at about = eleven=20 o'clock in the day-time! In short, it would be almost impossible to give = an=20 adequate idea of the interest now felt in this city. There is nothing = like=20 extravagant excitement, but an almost universal solemnity on the minds = of all=20 the people. One of the principal booksellers informed me that he had = sold more=20 Bibles in one month, since Br. Miller came here, than he had in = any four=20 months previous. A member of an orthodox church informed me that if Mr. = Miller=20 could now return, he could probably be admitted into any of the orthodox = houses=20 of worship, and he expressed a strong desire for his return to our=20 city."

        Similar = accounts=20 might be given from most of the places where he has given a full = course of=20 lectures, to a society; the minister and church co-operating with = him. We=20 could name Boston, Cambridgeport, Watertown, and numerous places; but we = will=20 refer to one more, viz. Portsmouth, N. H. The same glorious effects = followed his=20 labors in this place, as at Portland. We simply wish to give the = testimony of=20 the Unitarian minister of that town, relating to the character of the = revival. We are the more particular on this point, because the = advocates of=20 revivals have charged Mr. Miller with getting up "fanatical = excitements."=20 Now we have an impartial witness on this point. Hear him; he=20 says:

        "If I am = rightly=20 informed, the present season of religious excitement has been to a great = degree=20 free from what, I confess, has always made me dread such times, I mean = those=20 excesses and extravagances, which wound religion in the house of its = friends,=20 and cause its enemies to blaspheme. I most cheerfully express my = opinion, that=20 there will be in the fruits of the present excitement far less to = regret, and=20 much more for the friends of God to rejoice in, much more to be recorded = in the=20 book of eternal life, than in any similar series of religious exercises, = which I=20 have ever had the opportunity of=20 watching."*

        Will = the Rev.=20 Parsons Cooke join with the editor of the "Trumpet" in ridiculing such = revivals=20 as these? Will he now pronounce these lectures "more demoralizing than = the=20 theatre?" These are the legitimate fruits of Mr. Miller's labors. = Let his=20 accusers beware, lest they be found fighting against God.=86

* = Sermon on=20 Revivals, by Rev. A. P. Peabody.
=86 The above testimony to the = salutary=20 influence of Mr. Miller's labors must suffice. If it were necessary, we = could=20 add a volume of similar testimony from ministers of almost all=20 denominations.


    &= nbsp;   In=20 studying the Bible, I have found the following rules to be of great = service to=20 myself, and now give them to the public by special request. Every = rule should=20 be well studied, in connexion with the scripture references, if the = Bible=20 student would be at all benefitted by them.

I. Every word must have its proper bearing on the subject presented = in=20 the Bible. Matt. v. 18.
II. All scripture is necessary, and may be understood by a diligent=20 application and study. 2Tim. iii. 15,16,17.
III. Nothing revealed in the scripture can or will be hid from those = who=20 ask in faith, not wavering. Deut. xxix. 29. Matt. x. 26,27. 1Cor. ii. 10. Phil. iii. 15. = Isa. xiv.=20 11. Matt. xxi. 22. John xiv. 13,14. xv. 7. James i. 5,6. 1John v.=20 13,14,15.
IV. To understand doctrine, bring all the scriptures together on the = subject you wish to know; then let every word have its proper = influence,=20 and if you can form your theory without a contradiction, you = cannot be in=20 an error. Isa. xxviii. 7-29. xxxv. 8. Prov. xix. 27. Luke xxiv. 27,44,45. = Rom.=20 xvi. 26. James v. 19. 2Pet. i. 19,20.
V. Scripture must be its own expositor, since it is a rule of = itself. If=20 I depend on a teacher to expound it to me, and he should guess at = its=20 meaning, or desire to have it so on account of his sectarian = creed, or to=20 be thought wise, then his guessing, desire, creed,or wisdom is my = rule,=20 not the Bible. Ps. xix. 7,8,9,10,11. cxix. 97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105. = Matt.=20 xxiii. 8,9,10. 1Cor. ii. 12,13,14,15,16. Eze. xxxiv. 18,19. Luke = xi. 52.=20 Mal. ii. 7,8.
VI. God has revealed things to come, by visions, in figures and = parables,=20 and in this way the same things are oftentime revealed again and = again, by=20 different visions, or in different figures, and parables. If you = wish to=20 understand them, you must combine them all in one. Ps. lxxxix. 19. Hos. xii. 10. Hab. ii. 2. Acts ii. 17. 1Cor. x. = 6.=20 Heb. ix. 9,24. Ps. lxxviii. 2. Matt. xiii. 13,34. Gen. xli. 1-32. = Dan. ii.=20 vii. and viii. Acts x. 9-16.
VII. Visions are always mentioned as such. 2Cor. xii. 1.
VIII. Figures always have a figurative meaning, and are used much in=20 prophecy, to represent future things, times and events; such as = mountains,=20 meaning governments; beasts, meaning kingdoms. Waters, meaning = people.=20 Lamp, meaning Word of God. Day, meaning year. Dan. ii. 35,44. vii. 8,17. Rev. xvii. 1,15. Ps. cxix. 105. Ezek. = iv.=20 6.
IX. Parables are used as comparisons to illustrate subjects, and = must be=20 explained in the same way as figures by the subject and Bible. = Mark iv.=20 13. See explanation of the ten virgins, Miller's Lectures, No. = xvi.  
X. Figures sometimes have two or more different significations, as = day is=20 used in a figurative sense to represent three diferent periods of = time. 1.=20 Indefinite. 2. Definite, a day for a year. 3. Day for a thousand = years. If=20 you put on the right construction it will harmonize with the Bible = and=20 make good sense, otherwise it will not. Eccles. vii. 14. Ezek. iv. 6. 2Pet. iii. 8.
XI. How to know when a word is used figuratively. If it makes good = sense=20 as it stands, and does no violence to the simple laws of nature, = then it=20 must be understood literally, if not, figuratively. Rev. xii. 1,2. xvii. 3-7.
XII. To learn the true meaning of figures, trace your figurative word = through your Bible, and where you find it explained, put it on = your=20 figure, and if it makes good sense you need look no further, if = not, look=20 again.  
XIII. To know whether we have the true historical event for the = fulfilment=20 of a prophecy. If you find every word of the prophecy (after the = figures=20 are understood) is literally fulfilled, then you may know that = your=20 history is the true event. But if one word lacks a fulfilment, = then you=20 must look for another event, or wait its future development. For = God takes=20 care that history and prophecy doth agree, so that the true = believing=20 children of God may never be ashamed. Ps. xxii. 5. Isa. xiv. 17,18,19. 1Pet. ii. 6. Rev. xvii. 17. = Acts iii.=20 18.
XIV. The most important rule of all is, that you must = have faith.=20 It must be a faith that requires a sacrifice, and if tried, would = give up=20 the dearest object on earth, the world and all its desires, = character,=20 living, occupation, friends, home, comforts, and worldly honors. = If any of=20 these should hinder our believing any part of God's word, it would = show=20 our faith to be vain. Nor can we ever believe so long as one of = these=20 motives lies lurking in our hearts. We must believe that God will = never=20 forfeit his word. And we can have confidence that he that takes = notice of=20 the sparrow, and numbers the hairs of our head, will guard the = translation=20 of his own word, and throw a barrier around it, and prevent those = who=20 sincerely trust in God, and put implicit confidence in his word, = from=20 erring far from the truth, though they may not understand Hebrew = or Greek.=20 These are some of the most important rules which I find the word = of God=20 warrants me to adopt and follow, in order for system and = regularity. And=20 if I am not greatly deceived, in so doing, I have found the Bible, = as a=20 whole, one of the most simple, plain, and intelligible books ever = written,=20 containing proof in itself of its divine origin, and full of all = knowledge=20 that our hearts could wish to know or enjoy. I have found it a = treasure=20 which the world cannot purchase. It gives a calm peace in = believing, and a=20 firm hope in the future. It sustains the mind in adversity, and = teaches us=20 to be humble in prosperity. It prepares us to love and do good to = others,=20 and to realize the value of the soul. It makes us bold and valiant = for the=20 truth, and nerves the arm to oppose error. It gives us a powerful = weapon=20 to break down Infidelity, and makes known the only antidote for = sin. It=20 instructs us how death will be conquered, and how the bonds of = death will=20 be conquered, and how the bonds of the tomb must be broken. It = tells us of=20 future events, and shows the preparation necessary to meet them. = It gives=20 us an opportunity to hold conversation with the King of kings, and = reveals=20 the best code of laws ever enacted. This is but a faint view of = its value;=20 yet how many perishing souls treat it with neglect, or, what is = equally as=20 bad, treat it as a hidden mystery which cannot be known. Oh, my = dear=20 reader, make it your chief study. Try it well, and you will find = it to be=20 all I have said. Yes, like the Queen of Sheba, you will say the = half was=20 not told you. The divinity taught in our schools is always founded = on some=20 sectarian creed. It may do to take a blank mind and impress it = with this=20 kind, but it will always end in bigotry. A free mind will never be = satisfied with the views of others. Were I a teacher of youth in = divinity,=20 I would first learn their capacity and mind. If these were good, I = would=20 make them study the Bible for themselves, and send them out free = to do the=20 world good. But if they had no mind, I would stamp them with = another's=20 mind, write bigot on their forehead, and send them out as=20 slaves!


ADULTERY. = Idolatry.=20 Jer. iii. 9. Eze. xxiii. 37.
AIR. Spirit of piety - false theories. = Eph. ii.=20 2.
ALTAR. Christ. Ps. xliii. 4. Heb. xiii. 10.
AMON. A people, or = son of=20 my people.
ANCIENT OF DAYS. God. Dan. vii. 9.
ANGEL. Christ, or = messenger=20 of God. Ex. xxiii. 20. Rev. i, 1. xx. 1.
ARK. Christ. Ps. cxxxii. 8. = Num. x.=20 33.
ASCENSION INTO HEAVEN. Dignity and honor. John vi. 62. Isa. xiv. = 13,14.=20 Rev. xi. 12.
ASLEEP. Death. Acts vii. 60. 2Pet. iii. 4. 1Cor. xv.=20 18.
AWAKE. Resurrection. Job xiv. 12. Ps. xvii. 15. John xi. 11. Dan. = xii.=20 2.
BABYLON. Confusion, mixture, worldly.
BALAAM. Their destruction = without=20 the prophet.
BALANCE. Justice. Daniel v. 27. Worldly mind. Rev. vi.=20 5.
BANNER. Gospel ensign, love. Cant. ii. 4.
BEASTS. Kingdoms, or = powers.=20 Dan. vii. 3,17. Rev. iv. 6-8. v. 8,9.
BEHELD or BEHOLDING. Joy, or = grief,=20 according to the circumstances. Ps. cxix. 158. Rev. xi. 12.
BED. A = place of=20 confinement. Rev. ii. 22. Isa. xxviii. 20.
BELLY. Practical part. = Rom. xvi.=20 18. Job xv. 35. Rev. x. 9,10. Luke xv. 16. John vii. 38.
BIND. To = judge and=20 condemn. Matt. xii. 30. xxii. 13.
BIRD or FOWL. Warriors and = conquerors. Isa.=20 xlvi. 11. Jer. xii. 9. Rev. xviii. 2.
BIRTH. Deliverance from heavy=20 judgments. Isa. xxxvii. 3-20. lxvi. 9.
BLACK. Error, cruelty, death. = Jer. iv.=20 28. Rev. vi. 5-12.
BLASPHEMY. Idolatry. Isa. lxv. 7. Eze. xx. = 24-27.
BLESS=20 or BLESSED. Saved from sin and from death. Ps. xxviii. 9. xxxvii. 22. = Isa. lxi.=20 9. Rev. xiv. 13.
BLIND. Self-righteousness. Matt. xv. 14. xxiii. 16 = to=20 26.
BLOOD. Death, war and slaughter. Matt. xxvii. 24. Isa. xv. 9. = xxxiv. 3.=20 Rev. vi. 10. viii. 8. xi. 6. xiv. 20.
BLOWING OF THE WIND. The Holy = Spirit=20 doing its office in regeneration. Cant. iv. 16. John iii. 8. Rev. vii.=20 1.
BOOK. God's designs, knowledge and counsel. Ps. cxxxix. 16. Is. = xxxiv. 16.=20 Reading, is to make his designs known. To Seal, is to shut = up, or=20 make sure.
BOW AND ARROWS. Victory over enemies. Isa. xli. 2. Rev. = vi.=20 2.
BRASS, is used for impudence and sin, warlike. Isa. xlviii. 4. = Jer. vi.=20 28. Mic. iv. 13.
BRANCH. A descendant, or offspring. Isa. xi. 1. Jer. = xxiii.=20 5. Dan. xi. 7.
BREAD. Doctrine of life. Amos viii. 11. Matt. iv.=20 4.
BREAST-PLATE. Defence, or armor. Isa. lix. 17. Rev. ix. = 9.
BREASTS.=20 Consolation, word of God. Isa. lxvi. 11.
BRIDLE. The restraining = power of=20 God. Isa. xxx. 28.
BRIMSTONE. Curse of God. Isa. xxx. 33. xi. = 4.
BURNING=20 WITH FIRE, is to destroy, or change their state completely. Mal. iv. = 1-3. 2Pet.=20 iii. 10,11. Rev. xx. 9.
BUY, or BUYING, is used as an act of giving = or=20 receiving religious instruction. Isa. lv. 1. Rev. iii. 18. xiii. = 17.
CANDLE,=20 is light. Jer. xxv. 10. Matt. v. 15. Luke xi. 36. xv. = 8.
CANDLESTICKS. The=20 means of light; as the kingdom of Christ, the two witnesses, and seven = churches,=20 are called candlesticks. Dan. v. 5. Zech. iv. 2, 11. Rev. ii. 5. xi.=20 4.
CARMEL. The vineyard of God. Mich. vii. 14.
CHAIN, signifies = the laws=20 of God; or man, in prophecy. Ps. cxlix. 8. Acts xxviii. 20. Jude = 6.
CHITTEM.=20 Those that bruise. Dan. xi. 30.
CITY OF GOD. New Jerusalem. Heb. xii. = 22.=20 Rev. iii. 12.
CITY OF NATIONS. Antichrist, or Babylon. Rev. xvi. 19. = xvii.=20 18. The streets of the great city are the ten kings. Rev. xi. 8, = 13.
CLOUD,=20 or TO RIDE ON A CLOUD, is an emblem of power and great glory. Matt. = xxiv. 30.=20 Sometimes it means heavy judgments, as in Joel ii. 2. Zeph. i. = 15.
CROWN.=20 Dignity and honor. Prov. xvi. 31. Isa. xxviii. 1-5. lxii. 3.
CRY or = CRIED. To=20 be sensible of want. Prayers and petitions for relief; or forerunner of = war.=20 2Kings iv. 40. Ps. xxx. 2-8. Rev. xiv. 18.
DARKNESS. Ignorance, = unbelief, and=20 every evil work, confusion, and horror. Prov. iv. 19. Isa. lx. 2. Eph. = v.=20 11.
DAY, is one year - revolution of the earth in its orbit. Num. = xiv. 34.=20 Eze. iv. 5,6. Dan. ix. 24.
DAY OF THE LORD. Judgment day, or 1000 = years.=20 1Thes. v. 2. 2Pet. iii. 8-10. Rev. xx. 4-7.
DEATH. Separation from = body, from=20 holiness, from God; inactive, separate from former state. This is the = proper=20 sense.
DESERT or WILDERNESS. paganism, or away from the force of the = laws of=20 the Romish Church. Isa. xl. 3. Eze. xlvii. 8. Rev. xii. 6.
DEVIL. = Roman=20 government; pagan and papal, when used as a symbol. Rev. ii. 10. xii. 9. = xx.=20 2.
DEW AND RAIN, signify the pouring out of the Spirit and heavenly = blessing.=20 Ps. cxxxiii. 3. Prov. xix. 12. Hosea xiv. 5.
DOGS. Wicked men and = teachers.=20 Isa. lvi. 10. Rev. xxii. 15. Phil. iii. 2. Ps. lix. 6-14.
DRAGON. = Rome pagan.=20 Rev. xvii. 8. Afterwards papal. Persecuting governments.
DRUNKENNESS. = Intoxicated with worldly riches, pleasures and honors. Isa. xxix. 9. = Matt. xxiv.=20 49. Luke xxi. 34.
EAGLE, denotes a people hid, or out of sight. Rev. = xii. 14.=20 iv. 7. Matt. xxiv. 28.
EARTH. The Roman kingdom. Rev. xiii. 12, and = xix.=20 2.
EARTHQUAKE. Revolutions. Hag. ii. 21,22. Rev. vi. 12. xvi. = 18.
EAT. To=20 consume or destroy. Rev. xvii. 16. James v. 3. Rev. xix. 18.
ELDERS,=20 TWENTY-FOUR, denote the whole priesthood, taken from twenty-four = courses.=20 1Chron. xxiv.
FIRE, is used to denote destruction, and justice of = God. Ps.=20 lxviii. 2. Heb. xii. 29. Word of God. Jer. v. 14.
FLESH. Riches and = honors of=20 the world. 2Pet. ii. 10-18. 1John ii. 15,16. Rev. xix. 18.
FLOOD. = Great=20 numbers. Isa. lix. 19. Dan. ix. 26. Rev. xii. 15,16.
FOREHEAD. Public = profession, or character. Jer. iii. 3. Eze. ix. 4. Rev. vii. 3. xiii.=20 16.
FROGS. The symbolic meaning of frogs (say some) is flatterers or=20 impostors. See Rev. xvi. 13.
GARMENTS, denote the character, as white = denotes=20 purity or righteousness; rags, filthy; sackcloth, = mourning. Dan.=20 vii. 9. Zec. iii. 3,4. Rev. xvi. 15.
GOD, when used as a symbol, = denotes a=20 prince, ruler, or magistrate. 1Cor. viii. 5. Gal. iv. 8.
GRAVE. To = hide in=20 secret; put out of memory. Job xiv. 13.
GRASS, means people, as green = the=20 righteous, dry or stubble the wicked. Isa. xl. 6,7,8. 1Pet. i. 24. Rev. = viii. 7.=20 ix. 4.
HAIL, denotes wars, slaughter and desolation, by some Northern = government. Isa. xxviii. 2,17. xxx. 30,32. Rev. viii. 7.
HAND. Symbol = of=20 action and labor. Isa. x. 13. xlviii. 13. Rev. xx. 1. Dan. viii. = 25.
HARLOT.=20 An idolatrous community, or church. Isa. i. 21. Jer. iii. 1-8. Rev. = xvii.=20 5.
HARVEST. The gathering of men to their final destiny. Matt. xiii. = 39. Jer.=20 li. 33. Joel iii. 13.
HEAD. The supreme power of the object. Dan. ii. = 38.=20 Eph. i. 22. Rev. xix. 12.
HEAT. Anger, calamity. Deut. xxix. 24. = Ezek. iii.=20 14. Rev. xvi. 9.
HEAVEN. Government of God with his people. Deut. xi. = 21.=20 Isa. xlix. 13. Matt. xvi. 19. xxv. 1,14. Dan. vii. 18, 22.
HILL. = Kingdoms.=20 Isa. ii. 2. v. 25. Mic. vi. 1,2.
HORN. Kings. Dan. vii. 24. viii. 20, = 21.=20 Rev. xvii. 12,16.
HORSE. War and conquest. prov. xxi. 31. Jer. viii.=20 6.
        White,victor= y. Rev.=20 vi. 2. xix. = 11.
        Black,=20 distress and calamity. Rev. vi.=20 5.
        Red, war = and=20 hostility. Rev. vi.=20 4.
        Pale, death = and=20 destruction. Rev. vi. 8.
IRON. Strength. Dan. ii. 33-41. Rev. ii.=20 27.
ISRAEL. Christian church. Isa. xlv. 4-25. Gal. vi. = 16.
ISLANDS. Small=20 governments in Roman states. Ezek. xxvi. 15,16. Zeph. ii. 11. Rev. x. = 20. vi.=20 14.
JERUSALEM. The church of God. Isa. lii. 9. Gal. iv. = 26.
JEZEBEL.=20 Antichrist. 1Kings xviii. 19. Rev. ii. 20. viii. 36. Rev. vi. 4. xi.=20 7.
KILLING. Depriving of power. Ps. xliv. 22. Rom. viii. 36. Rev. vi. = 4. xi.=20 7.
KING. Forms of government or power. Dan. viii. 23. Rev. ix. 11. = xvii.=20 10.
LAMB. Messiah. Isa. xvi. 1. John i. 29. Rev. v. 12.
LAMP. Word = of God=20 or Mahometan Bible. Ps. cxix. 105. Rev. viii. 10.
LEOPARD. A cruel, = fierce,=20 and quick conqueror. Hosea xiii. 7. Hab. i. 8. Rev. xiii. 2.
LION. = Valiant,=20 strong, courageous. Prov. xxviii. i. xxx. 30. Rev. x. 3. xiii. = 2.
LOCUSTS.=20 Great armies. Isa. xxxiii. 4. Nah. iii. 15,17. Rev. ix. 3-7.
MARK. To = profess=20 allegiance. The Roman soldiers had marked foreheads and hands. Ezek. ix. = 4. Rev.=20 xiii. 16,17. xiv. 9,11.
MEASURE. Completed, finished. Ps. xxix. 4. = Jer. li.=20 13. Matt. xxiii. 32. Rev. xi. 1.
MERCHANTS. Professed ministers of = Christ.=20 Isa. xxiii. 8,18. Jer. xiv. 18. Rev. xviii. 11,12,23.
MOON. Gospel. = Isa. xxx.=20 26. Rev. xii. 1. or church. Cant. vi. 10.
MOUNTAIN. Governments. Isa. = ii. 2.=20 Dan. ii. 35.
MOUNTAIN, HOLY. The gospel kingdom. Isa. xi. 9. The seat = of=20 Antichrist. Ezek. xxviii. 14. Dan. xi. 45.
MORNING. Resurrection of = the just.=20 Ps. xlix. 14.
MOUTH. Commands, or laws. Dan. vii. 8. Rev. xiii. 5. = xvi. 13.=20 1Thes. ii. 8.
NAKED. Shame and disgrace. Mic. i. 8,11. Rev. iii. 18. = xvi. 15.=20 xvii. 16.
NIGHT. Moral darkness or wickedness. Isa. xxi. 8. Rom. = xiii. 12.=20 1Thes. v. 5. Rev. xxi. 25.
NUMBER or NUMBERED. Finished - end. Ps. = xc. 12.=20 Dan. v. 26. Ezek. iv. 4-6. Rev. xiii. 17,18.
OIL. Faith. Matt. = xxv. 8.=20 Cant. i. 3. Heb. iv. 2.
OX, denotes a people for slaughter. Prov. = vii. 22.=20 Jer. xi. 19. Num. xxiii. 1.
RAIN. Reformation, grace, refreshing. = Deut.=20 xxxii. 2. Hosea vi. 3. James v. 7.
RED. Persecuting, bloody. Rev. vi. = 4. xii.=20 3.
RIVERS. People living on the rivers, mentioned Isa. viii. 7. Rev. = viii.=20 10. xvi. 4.
ROD OF IRON. Power of Christ. Ps. ii. 9. Isa. xi. 1. Rev. = ii.=20 27.
SCARLET. Bloody, cruel. Rev. xvii. 3,4.
SEA. A large body of = people.=20 Isa. lvii. 20. Dan. vii. 3. Rev. vii. 2,3.
SHIELD AND BUCKLER. Ps. = xci.=20 4.
STARS. Ministers in the church, or rulers in the world. Rev. xii. = 1. Dan.=20 viii. 10. xii. 3. Jude 13.
SUN. As in the natural, so in the moral = world,=20 source of all light, Christ or his word. Gen. xxxvii. 9. Ps. lxxxiv. 11. = Mal.=20 iv. 2.
SWORD. Slaughter. Jer. xv. 3. Ezek. xxi. 28.
SWORD, = TWO-EDGED. Word=20 of God. Ps. cxlix. 6. Heb. iv. 12. Rev. i. 16. ii. 12.
TAIL. = Subordinate=20 officers or provinces. Isa. ix. 14,15. Rev. xii. 4.
TEETH, LARGE = IRON. Strong=20 devouring enemy. Dan. vii. 7,19. Rev. ix. 8.
TEMPLE. The church = professedly=20 of Christ or Antichrist. Mal. iii. 1. 2Cor. vi. 16. Rev. vii. = 15.
THUNDER.=20 Sudden dispersion of armies or kingdoms. 1Sam. ii. 10. Isa. xxix. 5,6. = Ps.=20 xviii. 13.
TREE OF LIFE. Jesus Christ. Rev. ii. 7. xxii. 2.
VINE. = A class=20 of people, as wicked or righteous. Hosea x. 1. Rev. xiv. 18.
VOICES. = Many=20 people engaged in the same cry to be eased of burdens, or rejoicing. = Luke xxiii.=20 23. Rev. viii. 5. xi. 15,19.
WALK WITH GOD, is to live with and be in = communion with him. 2Cor. vi. 16. Rev. iii. 4.
WATERS. Flesh, or = people. Num.=20 xxiv. 7. Isa. xlviii. 1. viii. 7. John v. 8. Rev. xvii. = 15.
WHIRLWIND. Heavy=20 judgments of God. Ps. lviii. 9. Prov. i. 27. Isa. lxvi. = 15.
WILDERNESS.=20 Outlawed from the great city. Deut. xxxii. 10. Jer. xii. 10. Rev. xii.=20 6.
WIND. Doctrine, good and bad. Cant. iv. 16. Isa. xxvi. 18. Eph. = iv.=20 14.
WINE, is consolation, and anger, and justice. Cant. v. 1. Isa. = lv. 1.=20 Rev. xvi. 19. xvii. 2.
WINGS. Protection, defence. Exod. xix. 4. Ps. = xvii. 8.=20 xxxvi. 7. Rev. ix. 9. xii. 14.
WITNESS. Christ, prophets and = apostles. Isa.=20 xliii. 10. Acts i. 8,22. Rev. i. 5. iii. 14. xx. 4.
WITNESSES, TWO. = Two=20 testaments, scriptures, figured by the two cherubims. Rev. xi. 3, 4. = Zach. iv.=20 3-6. John v. 39. 1John v. 9. Exod. xxxi. 18.
WOMAN. The true church = and=20 anti-christian church. Isa. liv. 6. Jer. vi. 2. Rev. xii. 1. xvii. = 3,7.
WOOD.=20 People. Jer. v. 14.
WORDS OF GOD. Fire. Jer. v. 14.
WRATH, DAY OF. = Judgment day. Job xxi. 30. Ps. cx. 5. Zeph. i. 15. Rom. ii. 5. Rev. vi.=20 17.



        MY DEAR = BROTHER, -=20 You have requested a synopsis of my views of the christian faith. The = following=20 sketch will give you some idea of the religious opinions I have formed = by a=20 careful study of the word of=20 God.

        I believe = all men,=20 coming to years of discretion, do and will disobey God, and this is, in = some=20 measure, owing to corrupted nature by the sin of our parent. I believe = God will=20 not condemn us for any pollution in our father, but the soul that = sinneth shall=20 die. All pollution of which we may be partakers from the sins of our = ancestors,=20 in which we could have no agency, can and will be washed away in the = blood and=20 sacrifice of Jesus Christ, without our agency. But all sins committed by = us as=20 rational, intelligent agents, can only be cleansed by the blood of Jesus = Christ,=20 through our repentance and faith. I believe in the salvation of all men = who=20 receive the grace of God by repentance and faith in the mediation of = Jesus=20 Christ. I believe in the condemnation of all men who reject the gospel = and=20 mediation of Christ, and thereby lose the efficacy of the blood and=20 righteousness of our Redeemer, as proffered to us in the gospel. I = believe in=20 practical godliness as commanded us in the Scriptures, (which are our = only rule=20 of faith and practice,) and that they only will be entitled to heaven = and future=20 blessedness, who obey and keep the commandments of God as given us in = the Bible,=20 which is the word of God. I believe in God, the Father of our Lord Jesus = Christ,=20 who is a Spirit, omnipresent, omniscient, having all power, creator, = preserver,=20 and self-existent. As being holy, just and beneficent, I believe in = Jesus=20 Christ, the Son of God, having a body in fashion and form like man, = divine in=20 his nature, human in his person, godlike in his character and power. He = is a=20 Savior for sinners, a priest to God, a mediator between God and man, and = King in=20 Zion. He will be all to his people, God with us forever. The spirit of = the Most=20 High is in him, the power of the Most High is given him, the people of = the Most=20 High are purchased by him, the glory of the Most High shall be with him, = and the=20 kingdom of the Most High is his on=20 earth.

        I believe = the=20 Bible is the revealed will of God to man, and all therein is necessary = to be=20 understood by Christians in the several ages and circumstances to which = they may=20 refer; - for instance, what may be understood to-day might not have been = necessary to have been understood 1000 years ago. For its object is to = reveal=20 things new and old, that the man of God may be thoroughly furnished for, = and=20 perfected in, every good word and work, for the age in which he lives. I = believe=20 it is revealed in the best possible manner for all people in every age = and under=20 every circumstance to understand, and that it is to be understood as = literal as=20 it can be and make good sense; - and that in ever case where the = language is=20 figurative, we must let the Bible explain its own figures. We are in no = case=20 allowed to speculate on the Scriptures, and suppose things which are not = clearly=20 expressed, nor reject things which are plainly taught. I believe all of = the=20 prophecies are revealed to try our faith, and to give us hope, without = which we=20 could have no reasonable hope. I believe that the Scriptures do reveal = unto us,=20 in plain language, that Jesus Christ will appear again on this earth, = that he=20 will come in the glory of God, in the clouds of heaven, with all his = saints and=20 angels; that he will raise the dead bodies of all his saints who have = slept,=20 change the bodies of all that are alive on the earth that are his, and = both=20 these living and raised saints will be caught up to meet the Lord in the = air.=20 There the saints will be judged and presented to the Father, without = spot or=20 wrinkle. Then the gospel kingdom will be given up to God the Father. = Then will=20 the Father give the bride to the Son Jesus Christ; and when the marriage = takes=20 place, the church will become the "New Jerusalem," the "beloved city." = And while=20 this is being done in the air, the earth will be cleansed by fire, the = elements=20 will melt with fervent heat, the works of men will be destroyed, the = bodies of=20 the wicked will be burned to ashes, the devil and all evil spirits, with = the=20 souls and spirits of those who have rejected the gospel, will be = banished from=20 the earth, shut up in the pit or place prepared for the devil and his = angels,=20 and will not be permitted to visit the earth again until 1000 years. = This is the=20 first resurrection, and first judgment. Then Christ and his people will = come=20 down from the heavens, or middle air, and live with his saints on the = new earth=20 in a new heaven, or dispensation, forever, even forever and ever. This = will be=20 the restitution of the right owners to the=20 earth.

        Then will = the=20 promise of God, to his Son, be accomplished: "I will give him the = heathen for=20 his inheritance, and the utmost parts of the earth for his possession." = Then=20 "the whole earth shall be full of his glory." And then, will the holy = people=20 take possession of their joint heirship with Christ, and his promise be=20 verified, "the meek shall inherit the earth," and the kingdom of God = will have=20 come, and "his will done in earth as in heaven." After 1000 years shall = have=20 passed away, the saints will all be gathered and encamped in the beloved = city.=20 The sea, death and hell will give up their dead, which will rise up on = the=20 breadths of the earth, out of the city, a great company like the sand of = the=20 sea-shore. The devil will be let loose, to go out and deceive this = wicked host.=20 He will tell them of a battle against the saints, the beloved city; he = will=20 gather them in the battle around the camp of the saints. But there is no = battle;=20 the devil has deceived them. The saints will judge them, the justice of = God will=20 drive them from the earth into the lake of fire and brimstone, where = they will=20 be tormented day and night, forever and ever. "This is the second = death." After=20 the second resurrection, second judgment, the righteous will then = possess the=20 earth forever.

        I=20 understand that the judgment day will be a thousand years long. The = righteous=20 are raised and judged in the commencement of that day, the wicked in the = end of=20 that day. I believe that the saints will be raised and judged about the = year=20 1843; according to Moses' prophecy, Lev. xxvi. Ezek. xxxix. Daniel ii., = vii.,=20 viii-xii. Hos. v. 1-3. Rev. the whole book; and many other prophets have = spoken=20 of these things. Time will soon tell if I am right, and soon he that is=20 righteous will be righteous still, and he that is filthy will be filthy = still. I=20 do most solemnly entreat man-kind to make their peace with God, be ready = for=20 these things. "The end of all things is at hand." I do ask my brethren = in the=20 gospel ministry to consider well what they say before they oppose these = things.=20 Say not in your hearts, "my Lord delayeth his coming." Let all do as = they would=20 wish they had if it does come, and none will say they have not done = right if it=20 does not come. I believe it will come; but if it should not come, then I = will=20 wait and look until it does come. Yet I must pray, "Come, Lord Jesus, = come=20 quickly."

        This is = a=20 synopsis of my views. I give it as a matter of faith. I know of no = scripture to=20 contradict any view given in the above sketch. Men's theories may = oppose. The=20 ancients believed in a temporal and personal reign of Christ on earth. = The=20 moderns believe in a temporal, spiritual reign as a millennium. Both = views are=20 wrong - both are too gross and carnal. I believe in a glorious, immortal = and=20 personal reign of Jesus Christ with all his people on the purified earth = forever. I believe the millennium is between the two resurrections and = two=20 judgments: the righteous and the wicked, the just and the unjust. I hope = the=20 dear friends of Christ will lay by all prejudice, and look at and = examine these=20 three views by the only rule and standard, the BIBLE.

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